Bad dreams - How to break them? The perfect weapon to overcome bad dreams.


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This book will revolutionize the way you pray and help you turn your dreams into reality 

Christians' most significant problem is not understanding what God tells them through dreams and insights they have every day. Yet, their dreams contain great secrets about their past lives, their present lives, their destinies, including those of their close relatives and friends. But how can a man seize opportunities and avoid the traps of enemies, or danger, if he fails to understand his dreams? Or, how can he know that he is about to be blessed, where to go, who to turn to for help, or how to receive the answer to his request after fasting and praying if he does not understand the dreams and visions through which God speaks to him?

This is precisely why many people pray without success since you cannot defeat an enemy you don't know, solve a problem you don't understand, let alone get out of a situation you don't know how you got yourself in.

Ignorance has primarily contributed to the destruction of many lives and destinies by making God's children slaves in the spiritual world. But knowledge can set us free and turn our failures into victories if we understand the revelations that the Lord gives us through our dreams, insights, and visions, and know-how to react afterwards according to them.


This book will tell you everything you need to know about dreams; it contains a spiritual warfare skill that is unique in the world and offers you prayer topics that never miss their targets. The spiritual warfare strategies in this book will also allow you to destroy all the traps that the enemy plans against you through bad dreams and help you revolutionize your destiny. You currently possess the lethal weapon to destroy bad dreams and secrets to guide your prayers to fulfil your destiny.